Madara Uchiha become the legendary chief of the Uchiha clan. He founded Konohagakure along his childhood pal and rival, Hashirama Senju, with the intention of starting an era of peace. When the two could not agree on a way to achieve that peace, they fought for manage of the village, a battle which ended in Madara's death. Madara, however, rewrote his loss of life and went into hiding to work on his own plans. Unable to complete it in his herbal life, he entrusted his expertise and plans to Obito Uchiha rapidly earlier than his actual loss of life. Years later, Madara might be revived, best to peer his plans foiled and ultimately, and in the end, realising the mistake of his methods and making amends with Hashirama before his very last death.

Madara was born during the Warring States Period, and turned into the eldest of Tajima Uchiha's five children. Madara and his siblings grew up at the battlefield waging constant battle with the Uchiha's rivals: the Senju. Three of his siblings died younger, leaving Madara with handiest his more youthful brother, Izuna. Madara and Izuna became very near thru their shared loss and constantly competed with every other to get more potent. This, combined with his naturally sturdy chakra, enabled the young Madara to defeat grownup Senju in conflict and increase a reputation as a genius.

During his rare downtime, Madara met a boy his very own age named Hashirama. The two quick evolved a pleasant rivalry, be it skipping stones or urinating in rivers. Like Madara, Hashirama was also a shinobi who had misplaced his brothers on the battlefield. Together they imagined a world in which children like themselves wouldn't need to fight. As a precaution, Madara and Hashirama did no longer reveal their family names, but nonetheless discovered every other's identities: Madara was an Uchiha, Hashirama turned into a Senju; it was their obligation to kill every different, even if they have been buddies. Needing to pick out among his own family and his dreams of peace, Madara chose to give up his friendship with Hashirama so he would don't have any reservations over killing him in the destiny, a clear up sturdy sufficient to awaken his Sharingan.

Over the subsequent years Madara and Hashirama persisted to fulfill in fight. Madara should in no way defeat Hashirama — even after obtaining a Mangekyō Sharingan — and Hashirama ought to never deliver himself to kill someone he nonetheless taken into consideration a chum, ensuing in a consistent stalemate among the 2 that lasted a long time. In time, both Madara and Hashirama have become leaders of their respective clans, a role Hashirama tried to use to broker peace among them. Although some Uchiha located the provide increasingly more tempting, Madara refused due to Izuna's dying on the fingers of Hashirama's own brother, Tobirama. Despite this, a few Uchiha defected over to the Senju extended family out of self-upkeep. Madara then used Izuna's eyes with a view to benefit "everlasting" Mangekyō Sharingan and restore his deteriorating vision. With this new strength he waged one very last assault towards the Senju and changed into summarily defeated. Rather than kill Madara to bring the era of conflict to an end, Hashirama supplied to kill himself if it might forestall the fighting. Madara become moved by means of Hashirama's gesture and subsequently assented to peace.

The Senju, the Uchiha, and all their affiliated clans came collectively to found a village of peace, where children could by no means want to die in conflict. Madara and Hashirama, rekindling their early life friendship, and Madara called that village Konohagakure, seeing it thru leaves. But Madara's idea of peace differed from Hashirama's: in which Hashirama envisioned cooperation with the other newly-fashioned villages, Madara favored manipulate so the peace should never be misplaced, evidenced with the aid of his attacking Iwagakure's Mū and Ōnoki in order that they might put up to Konoha's authority. When Hashirama turned into elected as Hokage, Konoha's leader, Madara additionally became worried for the Uchiha's destiny, believing this to be however the first step inside the Senju's dominance.

The Stone Tablet Zetsu altered have been in the Uchiha's possession for generations and changed into introduced with them once they settled in Konoha. Through cautious study, Madara changed into able to decipher enough of it to research of the records of shinobi: of the countless cycle of failed peace and the future of conflict between Uchiha and Senju, but also a method of cohesion for the arena. With this information, Madara determined Konoha turned into a failed experiment. He tried to persuade his own clan or even Hashirama of the same conclusion, however none would listen him. Madara selected to abandon the village, attacking Konoha on more than one events, later returning with the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox below his control to mission Hashirama. They fought to exhaustion, and from the carnage of their warfare the Valley of the End turned into fashioned. In the cease, Madara turned into killed with the aid of Hashirama.

News of Madara's dying unfold rapid and his corpse was secretly hidden to keep all of us from finding it and benefiting from it. But Madara had planned in advance: he had scheduled an Izanagi to activate someday after his dying, changing reality to carry him back to life in exchange for his right eye's vision. Having predicted this, Black Zetsu placed Madara's corpse and concealed itself inner Madara's body, permitting it to later deceive Madara into questioning he created it. After being revived, he left a copy in location of his actual frame and went into hiding with a unique trophy from his combat with Hashirama: a mouthful of Hashirama's flesh that he transplanted into his wounds. It turned into not till many years later, toward the give up of Madara's herbal existence, that the cells had any impact, awakening the Rinnegan (inside the process restoring his right eye). With the Rinnegan he was able to summon the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, which he used to cultivate a senseless living a dead ringer for Hashirama from which he believed he had produced a White Zetsu Army.

Over the years, Madara had perfected his plans for peace in what he known as the Eye of the Moon Plan. But as his years waned, Madara knew he couldn't whole his plans inside the time he had left. So he transplanted his Rinnegan right into a young Nagato with out the boy's understanding, intending Nagato to sooner or later use the eyes to restore Madara to lifestyles. If Nagato changed into to do this, however, Madara might need an agent to act on his behalf and manual Nagato towards this final goal. Madara waited, connecting himself to Demonic Statue to maintain him alive till a person could be located. Madara spent this time maintaining a close eye on Konoha to discover a suitable pawn to take his region.

During the Third Shinobi World War, Madara observed a badly injured Obito Uchiha. Madara used Hashirama's cells to replace Obito's broken extremities and positioned a Forbidden Individual Curse Tag in Obito's heart as a fail-secure in case Obito ever turned towards him. Until then, Madara started operating toward corrupting Obito. He had Kirigakure kidnap the lady Obito loved, Rin Nohara, and seal the Three-Tails into her. He then manipulated activities so that Rin might die on the hand of Obito's buddy, Kakashi Hatake, even as Obito watched. Driven to melancholy, Obito presented his services to Madara. Madara divulged to Obito the history of the Sage of the Six Paths and the Ten-Tails, the info of his Eye of the Moon Plan, and various techniques that Obito might need transferring ahead. As a final act, he left at the back of Black Zetsu — what he believed to be a manifestation of his will — to offer extra steerage to Obito in pursuit of this intention. With that, Madara disconnected from the Demonic Statue and, together with his dying breath, entrusted Obito along with his call: Madara Uchiha.


Madara's youth turned into a fabricated from the instances he lived in: the consistent combating made him a perfectionist that would maintain at some thing until he mastered it, and his triumphs at the battlefield made him very assured in his capabilities and expertise. Whenever such a character trends became challenged, as they tended to be with the aid of Hashirama, Madara's competitive streak would emerge. Madara did not thoughts Hashirama's influence in this regard; he believed that the simplest way to live to tell the tale inside the shinobi global became to make allies with one's enemies. His exposure to Hashirama is credited for Madara now not experiencing the Uchiha's "Curse of Hatred" or at least, now not being victimised via it as lots as Izuna became and even though he claimed to have abandoned his friendship with Hashirama, Madara still held onto their friendship subconsciously. Madara's actions and ideals were singularly targeted on protective Izuna, his best surviving brother. So lengthy as he had Izuna, Madara become affordable and sort, willing to make concessions for a perceived greater right.

Madara modified after Izuna's death, becoming bitter towards the Senju, specially Hashirama considering he still had a brother. Embracing his extended family's Curse of Hatred, he opted to die for revenge in place of compromise or forgive. Although he changed into in short satisfied to set aside his grief and try to replace Izuna with the collective family of Konoha, he may want to in no way shake the feeling that he changed into betraying Izuna's reminiscence. The increasing isolation of himself and other Uchiha from village politics in the end satisfied him of this, inflicting him to completely wreck with another attachments.

During his time as a Konoha shinobi, Madara did what he notion turned into inside the village's best hobbies. Unlike Hashirama's compassionate techniques, Madara took a cruel technique: the shinobi of Iwagakure best had cause as long as they swore unwavering allegiance to Konoha. Since their techniques have been so one of a kind, Madara hated to hear Hashirama's name during diplomatic discussions. After his defection from Konoha, Madara's priorities have become focused across the Eye of the Moon Plan, manipulating infinite others a good way to fulfill his personal desires and putting in vicinity multiple layers of contingencies so that no person may want to ever diverge from his very own intentions. Despite this, Madara truly believed this plan could in truth, benefit the arena and truely accompanied an "ends justifies the approach" principle.

As he valued best electricity and possessed so much of it, Madara consequently disliked to waste it on unworthy reasons or unchallenging warring parties, claiming disgust while he changed into forced to.

Madara cherished preventing specially else: the attractions, the sounds, even the flavor of his own blood; he felt being reincarnated deprived him of the entire experience. Yet he become very disciplined in a fight, by no means allowing his failed plans or assaults to upset him, in no way letting superior numbers or electricity intimidate him, and continually inclined to do some thing ought to be carried out to benefit victory. Although he now and again imposed barriers on himself, such as no longer using positive strategies more than once, he changed into willing to "decrease" himself with unbecoming methods or immoderate displays for you to alternate methods and exploit benefits. He became perfectly aware of his competencies and did now not feign modesty, bluntly declaring when he became more potent than his combatants and belittling them after they persisted to defy him. Conversely, if he was verified incorrect or somebody posed a legitimate task to him, he might admit it, and apologise for previous comments if important. In addition, if such an opponent is about to die, he could display them the last recognize through taking the time and effort to complete them off himself, even supposing said man or woman is going to die on their personal. Stemming from this, he feels insulted if he knows an opponent isn't the usage of their full electricity towards him, even though he knows it'll result in their death. He additionally held the Senju to a better fashionable in phrases of energy because of his encounters with Hashirama, stating a susceptible Senju disgusts him greater than a vulnerable shinobi of any type.

One of the exceptions Madara makes turned into Hashirama. Their years of contention left Madara with competing feelings of admire and resentment for Hashirama. Madara taken into consideration Hashirama the most effective opponent worth of his time and would delay his very own plans if it intended prolonging his time to combat with Hashirama with out difficulty. Despite this, Madara is pretty open-minded approximately recognising different strong people besides Hashirama, as whilst he broadcasts Might Guy as the strongest taijutsu user he is ever confronted.

Despite his prowess and intellect, Madara isn't without moments of recklessness. When he changed into delivered back to life, he confirmed no hesitation in soaking up Hashirama's senjutsu chakra while admitting he expected to have some problem controlling it because of having no previous schooling.

In the later years of his growing the Eye of the Moon Plan, Madara have become pessimistic about human nature, believing the cycle of conflict to be inescapable. He additionally got here to accept as true with that humanity and the sector are incapable of changing from what they have been within the past. He believed the modern, "nugatory" reality became built an excessive amount of at the concept of triumphing and losing. For this cause he turned into deeply dedicated to his plan, so much that he would upfront end a fight he changed into playing or kill any hazard, even, reluctantly, his very own clansmen, for the sake of its success. Despite this, Madara became definitely acting on what he believed would advantage humanity as a whole, displaying his time in Konoha did indeed influence his movements and he wasn't appearing truly out of bloodlust after Izuna's death. His plan's ultimate failure deeply depressed Madara, but it made him see its errors: breaking free of his Curse of Hatred, he regretted the mistakes he had made and admitted the superiority of Hashirama's techniques for peace. He and Hashirama had been as a result capable of reconcile their friendship inside the moments simply earlier than his dying.

For all his ruthless and manipulative nature, Hashirama said that Madara continues to be a kind man at his middle.


Madara became a truthful-skinned man with spiky, black hair that had a slight blue tint to it. In his formative years, his hair was chin-length that parted to frame the edges of his face. His casual attire consisted of a blue long sleeve blouse and white pants. While at the battlefield he wore the standard Uchiha outfit: a black blouse with a high-collar left barely open and the clan's crest on its again, with blue pants and bandages around his shins. Around his waist he had a white sash that held a sack, presumably containing his ninja equipment. Later, his sash was replaced by using a belt, decorated with pouches and various guns. He also wore another sash strapped across his shoulders which he used to hold his swords.

As an person, Madara had let his hair grow to waist-duration with shoulder-duration bangs framing the edges of his face, protecting most of his right eye. He has several scars all through his body. Although nevertheless fairly younger, extra prominent creases had advanced underneath each of his eyes. At instances, he wore pink armour with numerous metallic plates, forming defensive guards along his chest, waist, shoulders and thighs. Most of the time, however, he continued carrying the same basic Uchiha outfit: a blue excessive-collared, long sleeve mantle that splits down the lower 1/2 and a simple, light-brown obi and a belt. During warfare, he often carried an orange-brown gunbai which had a long black chain walking up it. At one factor, he wore a Konohagakure forehead protector. The anime also shows him wearing a metal belt, in addition to a brown leather-based sash to preserve a number of his other guns, and 2 belt sashes to maintain two of his swords.

In his vintage age, Madara became extraordinarily worn and emaciated, along with his hair grew to become thin and white, and lost all his tooth. He wore a simple black outfit and used his kama as a makeshift cane. When Madara changed into reincarnated his frame's adolescents turned into restored, albeit with the common effect of gaining grey sclerae and minor cracks all over his body. These disappear once he's properly revived.

After turning into the Ten-Tails' jinchūriki, Madara had white hair (taupe within the Naruto: Colour Edition) and faded skin, and he became enveloped by way of a cloak of chakra that stabilised into bodily apparel: a full-bodied black garment with black pants, gloves, and boots, over which he wore a flowing white robe with six black magatama markings across his chest and the acquainted pattern of a black Rinnegan and 9 black magatama markings in rows of 3 on his again. A gray horn-like protrusions grew out of his left temple and overlapped his brow akin to a protector with an upward-curve on the proper temple, giving him an standard look very similar to that of the Sage of the Six Paths. After soaking up the recreated Ten-Tails produced through Obito, Madara acquired additional black magatama markings around his sleeve cuffs and the rim of his robe. He reverts to his former look after the Ten-Tails is eliminated from his frame.


Madara become one of the most powerful shinobi in records, known as the strongest Uchiha in his lifetime and for decades after his death. A child prodigy, he killed several person Senju earlier than he had wakened his Sharingan. History recalls him as the most effective one capable of compete with Hashirama Senju, a "God of Shinobi", and pushed him to his absolute limits. When Obito operated under Madara's call, fear of Madara's power forced the Five Great Shinobi Countries, and the neutral Land of Iron, to band together and cause the Fourth Shinobi World War, because it turned into stated Madara's name itself changed into power. After his go back from death and various improvements, Madara changed into able to decisively defeat lots of shinobi, the Five Kage, and the nine tailed beasts, all at one respectively.

Chakra and Physical Prowess

Even by Uchiha standards, Madara was born with very powerful chakra, described as very foul and evil. This is partially because he inherited Indra's chakra. His large chakra reserves allowed him to fight nonstop for twenty-4 hours before collapsing, and in his antique age, summon the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path from its cage in the moon. His chakra manipulate may want to perform complex strategies with a unmarried hand seal. He can also quick take in and synchronise senjutsu chakra with his own and therefore input Sage Mode, no matter having no prior training in senjutsu. Even when distributing his chakra among twenty five wood clones, every still had enough electricity to threaten the Five Kage.

Madara turned into enormously skilled in taijutsu. During his confrontation with the Fourth Division, he flippantly defeated lots of warring parties with bodily combat, disarming and dodging attacks from many instructions. He could strike with precision earlier than his opponent ought to react, and overpower people two times his size. He become fast enough to attack Naruto who changed into in Sage Mode, and evade a Flying Thunder God Slash thru his own sensing abilties blended with sensing capabilities that Sage Mode offers. While the usage of Sage Mode, Madara's ache tolerance turned into excessive, as he neither flinched from Sasuke stabbing his right arm, the tailed beasts' attack, nor from the lack of his arm.

Body Modifications:-

When Madara was reincarnated, Kabuto Yakushi changed him to be "past his physical and combat top". He become restored to his bodily high and bodily extra capable than ever even as additionally preserving the skills he only had in his vintage age.[69] In addition, a light reproduction of Hashirama's face existed on Madara's left pectoral place,[70] which acted as a medium to channel senjutsu chakra into Sage Mode. It additionally allow him heal most of his accidents in seconds, and allows him the use of Wood Release.[71] For severe accidents he could not heal, like amputation, Madara may want to update his limb with cloth from a White Zetsu's frame.[72] Stemming from having Hashirama's cells in his frame, Madara's existence-force became powerful sufficient to now not right now die from having all of the tailed beasts extracted from his body.


Madara turned into well-versed in a diffusion of ninjutsu patterns: he ought to use juinjutsu effective enough to restrict the goal's actions, cover within surfaces to avoid damage and traverse the battlefield ignored, and thru an unorthodox use of the Shadow Clone Technique, fake his dying with the aid of having a clone act as his corpse. In the anime, Madara confirmed the ability to levitate.

Madara was an adept sensor, being capable of hit upon others' chakra signature international locations away, determine someone's extended family and the character of their kekkei genkai, and even differentiate species. When amplified by means of Sage Mode, he may want to even fight whilst blind through locating goals and dodging assaults through his sensory perception.


Madara may want to use many guns, together with giant shuriken, a kama, chains with weights, a kusarigama, and handheld shuriken. He also validated proficiency with swords whilst combating the Fourth Division. His trademark weapon turned into his gunbai, with which he may want to defend himself and redirect assaults, or wield it like a mace or flail. He could slice through the large roots of the Ten-Tails' tree shape with it.

Nature Transformation:-

Madara changed into able to utilise all 5 primary nature alterations, as well as Yin–Yang Release. An Uchiha, he had a natural affinity for Fire Release, being able to produce a big wall of flames that required several Water Release customers to repel together, release a volley of dragon-formed fireballs, or cowl an area with ash to act as a smokescreen. In the anime, Madara should create effective gusts with his gunbai to repel an entire platoon. Later in his existence, he used Yin–Yang Release to expand White Zetsu, and pour his will into black receivers that can restriction and control goals.

After transplanting Hashirama's DNA, which turned into later augmented in addition by Kabuto, Madara should then use Wood Release, a mixture of water and earth-natured chakra, together with his ability being akin to Hashirama himself. He could create massive flowering trees that might render a foe unconscious, timber clone, and timber dragons that could bind objectives and drain their chakra. With Hashirama's cells, Madara can also produce roots to hook up with and benefit constrained control of the Ten-Tails. Despite the Wood Release's energy, Madara does not seem to apply it except he is either toying together with his opponent or if he desires it as a final motel to restrain a tailed beast. After turning into the Ten-Tails' jinchūriki, he become shown the use of Yin Release to create lightning bolts, and Storm Release – a aggregate of water and lightning-natured chakra – to create strength beams that could reduce through the Six Paths Rods.



Madara woke up his Sharingan as a toddler, with one tomoe in every of his eyes. By maturity, his Sharingan became completely advanced and lively near-constantly. Madara's mastery over the Sharingan handed each different member of the Uchiha extended family in his herbal lifetime. Only he could inform the distinction among a shadow or wooden clone, and the unique. With short eye contact, Madara should place objectives underneath genjutsu and paralyse them or relay records. He could even entice the Nine-Tails, and summon it as a effective device in warfare. By programming one in all his eyes to activate Izanagi after his dying, he was able to alter reality and resurrect himself.

Mangekyō Sharingan:-

Madara and his brother Izuna have been the primary Uchiha known to have awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan. Madara knew approximately other users' Mangekyō strategies, and turned into also able to discerning the mechanics of these techniques with quick statement. After stealing Kakashi Hatake's Mangekyō Sharingan, he changed into capable of use Kamui on himself straight away.[96] With his eyesight deteriorating from overuse, he changed his original eyes with Izuna's, restoring his vision and gaining the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. The "directly tomoe" ( Choku Tomoe) of his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan granted him fluidity in his movements whilst combating.

Having wakened each his Mangekyō, Madara may want to use Susanoo. The ribcage ought to withstand an Ultra-Big Ball Rasengan and A's energy, and he ought to produce a legged Susanoo. His Susanoo wielded two to four undulating blades that might be thrown and controlled remotely. He can also use Yasaka Magatama of varying sizes. When absolutely produced, Madara would hover inner Susanoo to supply him a more range of motion.

After acquiring the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan Madara should "stabilise" Susanoo into its Complete Body form, inflicting it to resemble a tengu with outer armour that was nearly impenetrable. A secondary pair of hands wielded sheathed katana which may be used to bisect mountains with their mere shockwaves. According to himself, its power became akin to that of the tailed beasts, and no person become said to have lived to look it a second time. Madara's Complete Body Susanoo makes use of its secondary set of arms for attack and defence rather than flight. He was additionally capable of form his Susanoo into an armour for Kurama, which synergised their skills.


Years after infusing himself with Hashirama's DNA and unknowingly mixing Indra's and Asura's chakra, Madara's Sharingan advanced into the Rinnegan. As the eyes' authentic proprietor, best he should use them to their maximum energy. He became able to transfer among each dōjutsu. With the Rinnegan, Madara should use all of the capabilities of the Six Paths Technique, consisting of the Preta Path to absorb chakra and the Deva Path to perform Chibaku Tensei. He could also use the Outer Path to create chakra chains that might restrain all 9 tailed beasts. and black receivers for various melee and supplementary functions. Through using his Rinnegan with that of his Sharingan, Madara ought to summon meteorites to cause substantial destruction.

While underneath the Impure World Reincarnation, Madara turned into not able to apply the overall volume of his Rinnegan's abilities. After being revived and acquiring one of his real eyes, he may want to summon and manipulate the Demonic Statue of the Outer Path, seal the Ten-Tails inner himself, and generate a corporeal invisible shadow to resource him in battle. While Madara was in Sage Mode and further boosted via Kurama's chakra, this shadow became effective enough to knock down the tailed beasts. With get right of entry to to both of his Rinnegan, Madara ought to produce at the least 4 shadows to useful resource him.

Rinne Sharingan:-

As the Ten-Tails' jinchūriki and with both of his Rinnegan, Madara approached the moon and awakened a Rinne Sharingan on his forehead, which he should use to reflect the eye onto the moon, allowing him to solid the Infinite Tsukuyomi and trap all people beside himself in genjutsu.

Jinchūriki Transformations

 Jinchūriki Forms:-

After sealing the Ten-Tails into his frame, Madara had without delay won whole manage over the beast, which turned into more potent than whilst it became first revived because of having all the Eight-Tails and half of the Nine-Tails' chakra sealed in it, leading to his power being mentioned to experience stronger than Obito's, which handiest had a part of the Eight and Nine-Tails' chakra. As such, simplest shinobi the use of all the Eight Gates or the Six Paths Chakra are capable of compete with him. In this form, Madara should fly and his physical abilties have been greater, being speedy enough to react to the Flying Thunder God Technique and Kamui, and sturdy enough to survive the Night Guy, albeit barely. After absorbing the tree form of the Ten-Tails, his regenerative powers ought to avert bisection and restore his body, inflicting him to claim himself immortal. He could also harness natural electricity to decorate his diverse strategies, as well as forged the Infinite Tsukuyomi and God: Nativity of a World of Trees after he awakened the Rinne Sharingan.

With his transformation, Madara acquired Truth-Seeking Balls that floated in the back of him in a circular formation, which have been made out of the five primary nature ameliorations and Yin–Yang Release. Their chakra is exceptionally malleable and versatile, such that he could use them as excessive pace projectiles, defensive obstacles, and numerous guns, such as a shakujō. With Yin–Yang Release, the balls should nullify all ninjutsu they got here into contact with.


Madara's years of revel in at the battlefield honed his strategic ingenuity. He ought to fast devise a number of procedures and could switch approaches without delay. The longer he spent towards a selected opponent, the less he wished backup processes, as he ought to finally expect what they might do and discover literal or psychological weaknesses to make the most. He may want to shape and affirm any theories he comes up with the usage of small details.[96] In addition to his sheer adaptability, Madara became informed on a massive type of people and abilities, and as a result ought to identify strategies whilst used and react with the maximum suitable counter to them.

A researcher, he experimented on and cultivated a clone flower thru the Demonic Statue of Outer Path, and from it, he created a lifestyles-help gadget for himself. He had enough scientific information to transplant eyes, treat extreme injuries, and will replace destroyed frame parts with White Zetsu be counted.

Post a Comment


  1. Master of sharingan user💓

  2. The name is Mahara Uchiha.😈😍

  3. Wake up to reality! Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world. The longer you live, the more you realize that in this reality only pain, suffering and futility exist. – Madara Uchiha

    1. 😍😍🌹legendary quote.. By the legendary uchiha


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